MyBooo copió EyeOS y rompe la licencia

Publicado el

Pues sí­, lo que oí­s.
Acabo de recibir un email de Pau Garcia-Milí , del equipo de eyeOS, en el que me cuenta que MyBooo copió el código de la versión 0.9 de EyeOs e intentó borrar todas las evidencias del «robo».
El email no tiene desperdicio, aquí­ os lo dejo con las capturas de pantalla correspondientes para que lo que tenga que salir a la luz: salga.

Acabamos de ver algo que nos ha dejado pasmados… Mybooo, el último
WebOS que analizaste, ha usado eyeOS 0.9 , modificado el tema, y publicado bajo codigo
cerrado, rompiendo la licencia, y además borrando copirights

De momento no hemos hecho nada más que avisar a Readwriteweb, donde
los entrevistaron, para que sus creadores queden en evidencia.

Se dejaron la mitad de evidencias, te paso algunas. Por favor, haz
screenshots antes de publicar nada (si quieres publicarlo, claro)
porque seguro qeu lo borran, aunque hay cosas mucho más profundas que
no son nada fáciles de cambiar.

Archivos que se dejaron de eyeOS:

Archivos donde han borrado el copyright:
Puedes ver el original en:

Y hay decenas de pruebas más, si pruebas de entrar en te dará un error, pero si entras a
alguno de los archivos de eyeOS como no te
dará error, por lo que el archivo existe. Y cuando estás dentro, hay
trozos del código intactos, eso sí­, con los copirights borrados.

Finalmente sabemos que lo usan descaradamente en su webos, porque
despues de entrar vimos que se dejaron cosas sin traducir, como un

26 comentarios en “MyBooo copió EyeOS y rompe la licencia

  1. Parece que ha «funcionado» el post, ya han borrado los archivos y re-puesto el copiright de un archivo.

    Publicarán el codigo bajo GPL, como están obligados?

  2. Hi,
    i’ll try to clarify the situation.
    MyBooo is not a closed source app, and all we have add is under GPL v2.
    yes mybooo is based on eyeos0.9 but at this time, mybooo contains less than 5% of the original eyeos code.
    The license header on gclock.js was removed by our automatic sytem of javascript compression, i’ve put it again. for the eyeos themes, they are not used,, we just forgot to remove the folder from the webserver..
    We respect the GPL, but we don’t distribute the program so we don’t have to give access to the source. Our goal is to offer a service and not to sell a product.

  3. Hay que ver el comportamiento de algunas personas. Si la noticia es cierta no dudaré en publicarla y así­ colaborar para que todo el mundo lo sepa.

    Saludos y todo mi apoyo para eyeos.

  4. «but we don”™t distribute the program so we don”™t have to give access to the source»

    Anonadado me quedo. ¿Cómo que no distribuyen el software y por eso no tienen que ofrecer el código? Menudo morro tienen.

  5. Este proceder atenta contra los principios de confianza, buena fe y solidaridad que inspiran el software libre y a sus comunidades. Mal por MyBooo. Mal por sus «desarrolladores» y bienvenidas las denuncias con argumentos y pruebas.

  6. Today few developers of EyeOs cummunity who spread a rumor in the Blogs and have shamefully attacked MyBooo. They mentioned and I quote “stolen their code and broken the GPL(General Public Licence)”. We DO NOT appreciate this kind of slander and insult to our work via Web.

    We are totally transparent with our sources and we have never intended nor thought of stealing the codes of EyeOS.

    We confirm on the other hand that we have used a small part of EyeOS for developing MyBooo. We have found a small part, again a small part only, of EyeOS code useful to use hence we had integrated it to our system rather than re-developing the same. We were also encouraged that our project is compatible to them in case of any future partnership (which has been largely breached because of false accusations of our open source vision).

    We would like to extend our deep apologies to EyeOS to have felt “cheated” but again this was never our intention. The site is still under development, it has only been a week since we have started to put it online and for BETA testing hence private access, through invitation only, if I may reiterate.

    Nevertheless, we esteem that the minimum action that should have been done is to get in contact with us directly instead of propagating false rumor without confronting us first.

    For all those who have tested MyBooo and EyeOS, they can certainly see the difference between the two systems. Let me give me some examples myself; file management; general look and feel, right click possibility, window systems, drag and drop option etc. To come up with this big difference, we have developed and redeveloped the modules and add big innovations that we own. With all the codes that we created for MyBooo, only 5% is identical to EyeOS. I don”™t think this can be considered stolen codes.

    Having explained our part, we would like to emphasize that we opposed this method of critizing our hard work. This is difficult to accept especially coming from this community pretending to be the open source when hard to admit is using disgracefully Microsoft itself.

    We are profoundly disgraced by the way some developers of this community dishonor our work. We have never received any mail asking us for explanation of any sort. These “developers” prefer to attack us through Web instead of contacting us directly. This is a clear sign of uncertainly of accusations, which we will never tolerate.

    For your information, the principles The (GPL) objective is not to extort work from developers but to enhance technologies. All this through sharing the development workload but also permitting to keep the private code (Fork principle). This should lead in creation of market around the technology and propose commercial offers. When these “developers” pretend to attack us of breaching the open license source and have distributed us the codes, we asked them to make sure they understand what GPL means before accusing us or anyone for that matter. Again, let me reiterate that MyBooo is also in GPL….

    When we are accused of suppressing a copyright, we would like to remind everyone that there is clearly a big difference between compression_____ of JavaScript and stealing a program.

    We have not sold out our codes hence we need not need to redistribute our sources. We do not wish to be totally open source since there is already one existing EyeOS. They do it well. We also believe that it is important in the WebOS market to also have the Fork commercial that will serve as the open source.

    If the developers of EyeOS cannot comprehend this approach, they need to change the license to state that modifications should be automatically required to be re-allocated. This is not the case at this time with the GPL that they are currently using.

    Lynxoft and MyBooo have always been loyal to open source but with allegations such as this one, we are profoundly disappointed. Despite all this, we will continue to enhance the open source solution, as we believe in this mode of development.

    For Information: Lynxoft is the first training ground enterprise Open Source in France. Our own developers are actve members of KDE and Mandriva community. We therefore are very much aware of the rules and benefits of Open Source.

    PS : We would like to thank RoundCube and Dojo who understands our approach and let us enhance their vision instead of accusing us of stealers.

    Instead of a long speech, I invite you to test MyBooo and EyeOS for you to know the difference!

  7. I’m sorry jeremy but i think that you don’t understand what GPL licensing means.


    If you don’t do, you aren’t gpl, and you CAN’T use GPL CODE stolen from third party vendors.


  8. Charlie es cierto la gpl actual aplica el concepto viral a la distribucion del codigo: si no hay distribucion no es necesario ofrecer cambios. Eso lo comentan en uno de los trackbacks de sta nota (SogT).

  9. Que sí­ Jeremy que lo que tú quieras, pero que tenéis una cara y un morro que os lo pisáis.
    Habéis cometido un acto ilegal delante de todo el mundo (es lo que tiene internet) así­ que no creo que esto termine aquí­. Este tipo de OS, los WebOS sólo los conoce gente que sabe de informática, geeks, etc… y ya saben bastante de esto. A parte el pagerank hará mucho e incluso de haberme puesto en contacto con GNU intentaré hacerlo con Google para ver qué opinan de esto.

    Un saludo

  10. In addition, in mybooo site (at this moment) i can’t find any copy or indication of the gpl license, there are no messages or files informing about the license gpl of mybooo, extract from gpl license:

    Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.


  11. Dear #7 and #12:
    althought you are only using an small part of EyeOs, you have to give this part (modified or not) with GPL License, wherever use you made of this ‘tiny’ part.

    Your angry position about this post it’s only a confirmation of your bad practises. It’s not a rumor, of course. It’s a fact. The principles of GPL license only applies to the rest of the world?. It’s really simple. If you use a GPL licensed item you have to maintain this license on this item and items based on the original GPL item (with thse same conditions). It’s not difficult to understand, i think, but i suposse that it’s easier ignore it and modify the license at your convenience.

    Also, your javascript compression tool it’s a little weird. Only supress comments? i suggest you that this tool needs a improvement, maybe to work as a REAL compression tool (that eliminates unneeded carriage returns,e.g). Poor justifications…

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