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Parentography – Las mejores salidas para disfrutar con tus hijos

Una de las cosas que he percibido después de tener a Natalia es que el tiempo libre se aprovecha de una forma diferente (aprovecho para mostrar al mundo la hija que tengo):


No os voy a contar el tiempo que hace que no voy al cine, o a un concierto… ahora son paseos por la playa, zonas de recreo, parques… en fin, planes de padres.

Y los creadores de Parentography tienen eso muy claro. Tan claro que dos padres decicieron invertir, con dinero de su propio bolsillo, para crear la mayor y, seguramente mejor, red social para padres que conozco.

En Parentography podéis registrar los mejores paseos de la ciudad, la mejor forma de pasar unas horas (o unas semanas) en los distintos lugares de cualquier ciudad (de momento americana).

Se trata de una red social en la que podéis conocer otros padres, buscar planes orientados a niños de la edad de vuestros hijos, leer comentarios de otros lectores, subir fotos de las actividades registradas… red social completí­sima que da premios a los usuarios más activos. Ved el email que he recibido de Tim Ludwig:

My wife and I have worked for nearly a year on this site and used only our own money in its development ”“ it truly is a labor of love that grew out of our own experience as parents.   Last year, while planning a family vacation with our year-old daughter, we were frustrated by the lack of a comprehensive resource to help us figure out which hotels were kid-friendly and located near other family-oriented activities in the city we planned to visit.   Out of this, Parentography was born and the idea grew to include local family-friendly activity planning information as well.

Parentography is a totally free, vibrant online community for parents who want honest tools, advice and ideas for family-friendly excursions, whether they plan to travel around town or around the country.   It is shifting local conversations that routinely take place in parks, playgroups and on the phone to a national hub for parents and helping to take a lot of the guesswork out of trying new places.   Parentography is always up-to-date, presents unfiltered advice and opinions from parents everywhere, and covers the entire United States (we will add international coverage as soon as we are able).


Since Parentography is brand new, you won’t see a lot of content yet, but we hope that you’ll be able to appreciate how valuable the site will become once lots of parents like you contribute their knowledge and opinions.   It will be great for planning vacations or just for discovering some of the great things happening in your own local community.  Parentography is designed to let you inspire others, discover new places and activities, and share all of the great things you do as a family ”“ and it doesn’t cost a nickel.   To reward and support the first Parentographers who model the spirit of the community, we’re going to be giving away US$100.00 to the person who has written a review or excursion that brings our total article count to any multiple of 100 ( i.e., 100, 200, 300…) and US$1,000.00 to the lucky Parentographer who contributes our 1,000th review or excursion! (full contest details can be found here on our blog).


As busy parents, we know how scarce free time can be, but we really hope that you’ll take just a few minutes to experience the site and, if you like it, that you’ll share it with other parents you know.   We are also always eager to hear feedback about the site and ideas for making it better, so let us know what you think.






Tim and Noelle Ludwig

Co-Founders, www.parentography.com